Friday, December 17, 2004

Remembering Adrian Monk

To wash or not to wash (your hands)

Have you seen the Tivo commercial, the one where the New Year’s countdown at Times Square is stopped on 5, you hear the sound of a toilet flushing, and a man returns to his mate in front of the TV to watch the rest? …4-3-2-1- Happy New Year!

Have you stopped to think that he never washed his hands? Now all of you Monk fans out there know this, but for the rest of you complacent people, do you know that 30% of men do not wash their hands after going to the bathroom?

I don’t know the stats for women, but I have done considerable, statistically significant sampling to conclude that 1/3 of the men you shake hands with had previously shaken hands with their own toto. How about them wieners!

So why do I bring this up in a blog about Cuba?

Only because anecdotal evidence seems to indicate that Cuba’s incidence of penis-tainted hands is close to 95%.

How do I know this? Easy. It is very rare to find a public restroom in Cuba with running water and soap and towels. You may find many with running water, some where an attendant attempts to sell you a napkin or a couple of sheets of toilet tissue, and rarely, very rarely, will you find one with soap. But never, ever one with all three.

And no, it wasn’t like this when Meyer was running the show.

Adrian, I hear they are running a special on trips to Cuba. What, you are not interested?

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